
New Opening Hours for Ellesmere Foodbank

19th July 2017

The Ellesmere Food Bank is open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 09.00 am-10.15 am including through the holidays. It is situated in the Ellesmere Methodist church on Trimpley street. There is a sign outside when open. You will always receive a warm welcome.

Food Bank vouchers are available at Ellesmere Primary School and Criftins Primary School, Ellesmere GP surgery, Overton GP surgery and Age UK. These vouchers can only be obtained by families of students who attend the schools, patients in their specific GP surgery, clients and service users of Brownies and Age UK.

The general public can obtain vouchers from Citizens Advice Bureau in Oswestry. If in doubt please ring the Food bank where we will be able to direct you to a support agency.

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