We rely on the support of our local community for food donations, volunteering and finances. Can you help us stop UK hunger?
Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system. Find out more about how we work.
Staffed by the Samaritans. Every Monday morning 10:30-12:30. Starting Monday 9th. January 2023. 58 Beatrice St.
Staffed by the Community Well Being Outreach Team. 58 Beatrice St. Click on the blue text above for dates and times.
Provided by West Mercia Women's Aid. 58 Beatrice St. Every Monday 10:30 - 14:00.
Provided by North Shropshire Primary Care Network. 58 Beatrice St. Every Thursday 11:00 - 14:00.
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Click on the text above to find out more.