A Huge ‘Thank You’ to the community from Oswestry and Borders foodbank for an Abundant Harvest
10th November 2017
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The harvest is over and all is gathered in…
Oswestry and Borders Foodbank would like to say a well deserved thank you to the community who have given so generously over the 6 week harvest period.
The community far and wide, have given over 3 tonnes of food and nearly £3000 in donations this harvest time. Over 30 churches, 16 schools, groups and individuals have been involved in collecting long life food and toiletries for the foodbank to be given out to those most in need in our community.
Last financial year ( 2016-17), Oswestry and Borders Foodbank gave away 20 tonnes of food so the contribution that the community have made this harvest has been significant. The money donations go towards the running costs and any vital emergency help which the Foodbank can give to individuals.
Liz Jermy , the foodbank manager and Job coach says:
“ we are so, so grateful and very humbled by the generosity of you, the community. We never cease to be amazed by the gifts of food, time and money. The volunteers are continually expressing their thanks for the donations that come in day to day and I continue to be impressed by their energy in processing this food into a well ordered stockroom and in giving their time to sit and listen.
We welcome all those who come through the door for help and we know walking in here is a difficult thing to do. We try our best to offer a friendly, safe place for those seeking assistance, whatever that may be. We call these folks ‘brave’ to ask for the help they are entitled to.”
Foodbank vouchers can be issued by GP’s , health visitors, social services, Citizens Advice Bureau, schools, West Mercia Police, CHALK, housing associations and many others.
Oswestry and Borders Foodbank work with over 40 support agencies-both charitable, and statutory in referring and signposting people to the assistance they need. They regularly give talks to local groups to explain their role in the community and how they give away their time, use their emergency fund and pack food parcels.
Oswestry and Borders Foodbank is staffed with over 40 volunteers working across the projects they do. As well as running a foodbank in Oswestry and Ellesmere, there is a Job club on a Tuesday and an IT Drop in on a Wednesday. There are permanent collection boxes in Sainsburys and Boots in Oswestry and Tesco in Ellesmere.
With Christmas fast approaching, the foodbank will be most grateful for any special Christmas treats such as Christmas puds, chocolates, cakes, biscuits and toiletries. Last Christmas the foodbank gave away 100 Christmas hampers and will be offering the same service this year.
For more information on food vouchers, donating, volunteering ,inviting a speaker or Christmas giving, please email [email protected] or ring 01691 671 940/ mob 07399291955