
As the Third Week Draws to a Close

10th April 2020

This week has been a busy one at the Foodbank with a record number of food parcels either collected or delivered.

The Foodbank has been following social distancing guidelines since they were issued by the Government, however, improvements this week have made it easier for clients to understand their responsibilities. The council has given permission for stickers to be placed on the pavement on Beatrice Street. Orange and purple markings (donated by Sainsbury’s) are now in place so that everyone in the queue can see how far away from the next person they should be.

Supermarkets and others have continued to be generous with gifts of food. Donors are, however, reminded that the Foodbank does not issue out of date produce to its clients. Items with a long shelf life are really useful as they can be put into storage until needed.

The generosity of food donors has created a need to enlarge the Foodbank’s storage space. Volunteers have been busy rearranging the stock and putting up new shelving. Textile Express has donated a roll of PVC cloth which makes the stock tables much easier to clean!

Over the last year, the Foodbank was able to accept credit card donations on its website. Unfortunately, due to Coronavirus related issues, the organisation providing this facility has had to suspend its operations. Credit card donations are no longer possible but it is still possible to donate by cheque or standing order. Details can be found at

Next Monday is Easter Monday and therefore the Foodbank will not be open that day. It will, however, open between 11:00 a.m. and 02:00 p.m. (the normal times) on Tuesday, April 14th.

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