
Councillor Duncan Kerr’s Foodbank Fundraiser

8th May 2024

Later this month, Councillor Duncan Kerr will be taking on a solo 1,000 mile cycle ride from John O’Groats to Lands End in aid of Oswestry and Borders Foodbank. He’ll be setting out on May 17th and hopes this route will bring him back into the Oswestry area on May 25th before heading on to complete his journey down South.



Duncan said “At the moment hundreds of families in Oswestry are reliant on the services that the foodbank provides, and it is not just food. The welfare advice they give has secured over £200,000 in benefits that local people did not know they were entitled to and that all helps them and the local economy. They also work with the Samaritans and provide advice with both mental health and domestic abuse. It is a comprehensive and fabulous service that has helped over 19,000 people in the last four years. The least I can do is to help highlight their work and raise some funds by doing this.”

If you would like to support Duncan, you can donate directly to the Oswestry and Borders Foodbank, referencing “Duncan’s Cycle Ride” by bank transfer to:

Oswestry and Borders Foodbank 

Sort code: 08-92-99

Account Number: 67223846

OR via Duncan’s fundraising page accessed using this link:

OR via the QR code:


Thank you for your support, and good luck Duncan! 💚

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