
Guarantee the Essentials Campaign is Now Live!

Deputy Manager takes on Summer Swimathon Challenge

Deputy Manager, Susannah Buckeridge, has taken on the Give as You Live Summer Swimathon challenge. Along with her family, she aims to swim a total of 5 miles across 5 weeks of the summer holidays. They have already completed their first mile swim and are on track to complete the second by the end of […]

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July ’24 Foodbank AGM Minutes

Food Bank Minutes AGM Whole Life Centre, Cabin Lane 19th June 2024 Present: 28 supporters 1. Welcome and Prayer by Chair James 2:14-17 Faith and Deeds 14  What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15  Suppose a brother or […]

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Summer Fundraiser?

Oswestry and Borders Foodbank are in need of vital funds to ensure we can continue to support individuals and families facing hardship. Could you support us with a FUN-draiser this summer?   Why not get the whole family involved in a Summer Fun Run! Ask your family, friends or colleagues to sponsor your run and […]

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Morrisons Foodbank Food Drive

Starting tomorrow- Monday 1st July- Morrisons Oswestry Community Champions will be holding a week-long Foodbank Food Drive! Please pop down and show your support, meet our lovely team of fabulous volunteers and give a donation if you can. Below are a few items that we are in need of this week. Thank you #fooddrive #morrisonsoswestrycommunitychampions […]

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An Update From Duncan Kerr

“Inverness to Pitlochray then onto Dumblaine (thumbs up to nice cathedral) via Falkirk with the famous Falkirk Wheel. A shorter day to Gretna due to rain and feeling very coldy/cough but this morning crossed the border into Cumbria with a 110 mile ride to Preston today. A lot of roads are pretty flooded today.” Keep […]

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Duncan Kerr sets off from John O’Groats

Earlier today (Friday May 17th), Councillor Duncan Kerr embarked on his 1,000 mile solo cycle ride from John O’Groats to Lands End. He took the overnight train to Inverness, another train North and cycled 20 miles just to reach the start line!   Last year, Oswestry and Borders Foodbank gave out over 7,000 food parcels […]

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Councillor Duncan Kerr’s Foodbank Fundraiser

Later this month, Councillor Duncan Kerr will be taking on a solo 1,000 mile cycle ride from John O’Groats to Lands End in aid of Oswestry and Borders Foodbank. He’ll be setting out on May 17th and hopes this route will bring him back into the Oswestry area on May 25th before heading on to […]

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Mayor’s Award Given to Oswestry & Borders Foodbank

Staff and volunteers at Oswestry and Borders Foodbank were invited to a Civic dinner on Friday 19th April, hosted by Mayor Ollie Rose. The evening was set up to thank and celebrate local volunteers and community groups for all their hard work and dedication over the last year. During the evening, Oswestry Foodbank received an […]

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Easter Closures

Oswestry and Borders Foodbank will be closed over Easter to give staff and volunteers a well-deserved break. During this period of closure we will not be able to accept direct donations. For anyone wishing to donate Easter eggs or Easter related items, please aim to get these to the Foodbank before Monday 25th March. Thank […]

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Guarantee the Essentials Campaign has gone to Parliament

Last week Trussell Trust handed in the petition to the government on Guarantee Our Essentials with over 150,000 signatures! Oswestry and Borders Foodbank want to say a massive thank you to everyone locally who added their signatures to this petition. Thanks to you, our voices are being heard- see below: “Today is the day! We […]

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