
About our foodbank

Here is an introduction to our project.

Gill Richards, our first manager and the person with the initial vision to start a foodbank in our area.

Our foodbank is a project started in 2011 by Christians from local churches, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area.

Initially, we were operating in the Kingswell Centre and started giving out food at the end of November 2011. In 2012 we moved to our current premises (56 Beatrice Street) and started operating there from the beginning of April 2012.

Since March 2020 the Oswestry and Borders foodbank has given away 176 tonnes of food and helped over 19,600 people.

The foodbank has a delivery service for those who are less mobile and have no access to public transport at the times needed to get into town when the foodbank is open. Being in a rural area should not prevent households from accessing help they need.

From October 2022 the foodbank has become a ‘foodbank PLUS’ with support services next door at number 58: mental health practitioners on Thursdays and Samaritans and West Mercia Women’s Aid on Mondays.

Citizens Advice has a national partnership with Trussell Trust foodbanks and the Oswestry and Borders Foodbank has recruited a face to face advisor who is here to meet with people by appointment on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The helpline is free (0808 208 2138) and directs people to a citizen advisor who can help with challenges with the cost of living crisis.

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